The second
amendment was adopted to the United States Constitution December 15, 1791. What
is NEVER spoken of (in this politically correct culture of ours) is the fact
that most of the colonies that eventually became states included this very notion in their
own State constitutions, which by the way preceded the 2nd amendment by some 13 years. Further, their intent is very clear that bearing arms is not just a right, but a responsibility of every man and woman who is capable for the security of a free state. See below:
amendment of the US Constitution, 1789-
well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the
right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
State Constitution, 1776-
That the people have a right to bear arms for the defense of themselves and the
state; and as standing armies in the time of peace are dangerous to liberty,
they ought not to be kept up; and that the military should be kept under strict
subordination to, and governed by, the civil power.
State Constitution, 1777-
That the people have a right to bear arms for the defense of themselves and the
State; and, as standing armies, in the time of peace, are dangerous to liberty,
they ought not to be kept up; and that the military should be kept under strict
subordination to, and governed by, the civil power.
York State Constitution, 1777-
And whereas it is of the utmost importance to the safety of every State that it
should always be in a condition of defense; and it is the duty of every man who
enjoys the protection of society to be prepared and willing to defend it; this
convention therefore, in the name and by the authority of the good people of
this State, doth ordain, determine, and declare that the militia of this State,
at all times hereafter, as well in peace as in war, shall be armed and
disciplined, and in readiness for service…
State Constitution, 1776-
13. That a well-regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained
to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free State; that
standing armies, in time of peace, should be avoided, as dangerous to liberty;
and that in all cases the military should be under strict subordination to, and
governed by, the civil power.
Carolina State Constitution,1776-
XVII. That the
people have a right to bear arms, for the defense of the State; and, as
standing armies, in time of peace, are dangerous to liberty, they ought not to
be kept up; and that the military should be kept under strict subordination to,
and governed by, the civil power.
*Currently, 44 of 50 states
include this right.
What the gun control lobby is seeking to do is literally unravel our constitution for the sake of forfeiting our personal liberty. They are showing themselves to be quite dangerous to the United States.
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